Nikola Tesla George Mitchell; Michael Faraday
Alternative Power & Energy
George Mitchell offers an alternative to our dependence on fossil fuels and other toxins.
We want to provide the world with clean economical power to all mankind. It is possible to offer a non-toxic, non-nuclear way to decrease the greenhouse effect and provide economical power/energy for anything or anyone that has a need for power to run their home, business, automobiles, computers and anything that requires electricity.
The unit I created is the transmission of energy via mechanical means.
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leaders of this country, private citizens; the american public; senator john mccain, governor sarah palin, senator barack obama and senator joe biden,state representatives and senators,governors' and mayors of all the states,TV and radio stations nationwide and newspapers and magazines.
my name is george mitchell, the inventor. i have developed a new clean alternative energy that has been suppressed for 12 years. my question to the leaders and President Barack Obama and Vice President Senator Joe Biden; would you help launch this invention when elected to office, when citizens are struggling to afford high fuel costs for their vehicles, and are losing jobs, their homes and are barely able to make ends meet each month. To every American citizen wouldn't you like a new clean economical and affordable energy source for your automobile, your home and business, which will reduce your electric bill and your fuel costs. your electric bill and your fuel costs will be cut in half and even more. my invention is basically a magnetic gear train which runs multiple electric generators; unlike a wind-mill, that runs only one generator per mill and that requires wind or jet-streams that are not constant. solar only works when there is no obstruction of clouds. when the sun sets, you are dependant on batteries; and don't get me started on clean coal technology because it does not exist; when coal is being burned for energy purposes; it produces toxins and mercury that ends up getting into everyone's systems, especially womens' wombs and their unborn children which leads to birth defects and medical problems and expenses, that i'm sure no one wants. and even more important, nuclear energy plants are the last thing that this country needs, since the existing nuclear plants can't even find a place other than their own back yards to store this lethal poison. try to understand that nuclear waste; if the average citizen or person comes into contact with this deadly radiation and the facilities or plants that store this radioactive material, which cannot be disposed of safely. If the average Joe gets around this un-monitored radioactive material, your chances of getting leukemia and other deadly conditions and other health problems are to be certain; as certain as the sun rises and sets each day.
are our new leaders going to continue to turn a blind eye and deaf ear to a clean alternative source of energy or are they going to stand up for the people that voted for them, the AMERICAN PUBLIC. hundreds of thousands of jobs can be created by this invention to pay the mortgage, the car payment, for groceries and the daily expenses of life of every American. the revenue from sales to foreign countries on this invention would solve the lack of health care for millions of people who deal with these problems every day.
this invention could make our country the new Middle East of clean energy technology.
Albert gore, the clean environmentalist, was aware of this technology, personally and thru his uncle, Judge whit lafon of Jackson, Tennessee. at the time Mr. Gore was vice-president, yet he chose to do nothing. president bush was aware of this invention, when he was governor; yet he too has not responded in all these years.
i have a web site you may want to view for further information. that site is on the web site, please click onto the abc news video to check out the first small prototype built. i do applaud wind power and solar. my invention can be added to the mix of these energy processes. as a voter, it's totally up to you to e-mail or call the candidates and news people and ask these tough questions. it's your future on the line. please ask the questions. if you don't understand the concept, i will try to explain it with the most simple terms; if you go to the abc video, on my website , you will see little magnetic wheels turning in rotation. each of these wheels or turbines will create extra rotational energy to turn one or two generators per wheel. this will allow this design to charge batteries just like solar charges batteries except my invention will continuously charge batteries even after the SUN goes down my invention will continue charging batteries; you will not have to wait for the morning SUNRISE. it may sound as if i am repeating myself. if you are using solar or the SUN to charge your batteries through the daytime, my process will be an improvement over solar which only charges batteries during the daylight hours. this invention charges during the day and during the night. another good point; if you live in some states and your home or business is powered by my invention, since state law provides that if you produce more energy at your home or business than you use or have an excess of energy, you are re-imbursed for the excess energy, meaning you get a check each month for the extra electricity you produce or don't use at your home or business. In certain states (you can check with your representatives or possibly the internet; a state law allows a person to provide his own electricity and receive money back for any excess or extra electricity you produce or do not use at your home or business. our state of tennessee has such a law but you should check your own state.
you may contact me at;
george mitchell
7433 hardin graveyard road
enville, tenn. 38332
phone: 731-687-3664
e-mail: or
Let us show you what the Government doesn't want you to see or hear!
Click here to view the ABC News video and videos of the working model!
Ex-welder invents a magnetic wheel
George Mitchell attaches magnets on seats of miniature wheels to produce electric power...
By Rochelle Davis .... The Jackson Sun
Enville TN - George Mitchell expected to go back to work as a mill-wright welder after back surgery in 1992.
But he never went back. He took the advice of his general practitioner, Reggie Henderson in Lexington, "He said, 'You've got a brain. Put it to use. Forget your back."
While Mitchell was recuperating he saw a show about a Japanese man who invented a cellular phone that used magnetic repulsion instead of a battery, which gave him an idea for a creation of his own.
"He said to me "I can make this so much better'" Mitchell's wife, Donna said.
The Mitchell's then purchased miniature wheels - much like Ferris wheels 0 used by parakeets and shower curtains.
He removed the magnets from the shower curtains and attached them to each end of the seats on the wheels, creating new magnetic repulsion wheels to produce clean electric power. Thus, his invention generates electrical power.
"I didn't understand it," said Donna Mitchell who helped her husband file the patent application for the invention "Men and women speak a different language. I didn't care that much about mechanics."
"I couldn't comprehend. All magnets were to me was that they stuck tot he refrigerator... It took many conversations and tapes (about magnetic repulsion)."
George Mitchell called the National Aeronautics and Space Administration to see if it would be interested in a new electrical system. He was invited to Huntsville, Ala., on May 22, 1997. NASA told him he invented a magnetic bearing and toy, which could be used as a learning tool in engineering.
"They wanted to see if all of them (wheels) were running together and how fast the revolutions per minute were," Mitchell said.
Mitchell's invention ran 1,100 rpms.
NASA also wanted to see his paperwork and designs on the invention. He refused, because he was afraid NASA would steal the idea.
Mitchell's patent is pending, but his invention is protected. His goal is to hook up his home with the generator and then go commercial. He said a state law allows a person to provide his own electricity and receive money back for any excess.
"We're so hooked on fossil fuels when we don't have to be," said Mitchell, who would like to make a car that does not pollute.
"We could feed our people and then some," Donna Mitchell added.
Mitchell's inspiration has been inventors, Albert Einstein Nicola Tesla. The deaths of his father, mother-in-law, two cats and a dog also inspired him, he said.
"I think the stress activated some chemical in the brain that innovated the invention," He said.