you have to register it, andit needs a more powerful PC; a P120 with 32Mb is probably the minimum.
If you upgrade to UI-View32: DON'T install UI-View32 on top of UI-View(16), or you'll finish up with a big mess. They are separate program and by default they install into separate directories. There is absolutely no problem with having them both installed on the same PC. You can put your registration in them both, and, if you use AGWPE, you can even run them both at the same time.
Of course, if you want to uninstall UI-View(16), you can, and it won't delete your maps, which you can move or copy into the UI-View32 program folder. (NOTE - make sure you uninstall, not manually delete.)
For UI-View 32 or the TCP/IP option in UI-View 16 to work with AGWPE:
You must be running AGWPE version 2000.15 or later
You must have the Windows Winsock 2 update if you are running Windows 95 or Win98 OEM (it is automatically installed in Win 98SE, Win2000 and WinXP).
AGWPE's Winsock TCP/IP interface must be enabled: On the AGWPE menu, click once on Setup Interfaces. On the resulting WinSock Interface tab, make sure the Enable Winsock TCP/IP Application Interface box is check marked. Click in the box to check/uncheck it. Note the TCP port on that screen -- the default is 8000.
The TCP port specified in AGWPE (default is 8000) must be specified in UI-View's AGWPE Setup window (see screenshot above.)
If you run a firewall program (such as Zone Alarm), then port 8000 must be open and accessible
If AGWPE is running on a different computer, you may need to enter a password to gain access to AGWPE, andAGWPE must have your callsign and password entered in its WinSock Interface Security access list.
I have AGWPE running but when I try to start UI-View, I get this message:
"An error occurred initializing AGWPE system 1. Address Family is not supported.’”
The TCP/IP protocol is not installed on your computer. Create a Dialup Networking (DUN) Connection in Windows (use a dummy telephone number) and the TCP/IP protocol will be installed automatically.
I get the message "Connection is forcefully rejected".
UI-View can't find AGWPE. One of the following things has happened:
1. AGWPE wasn't running when you started UI-View.
2. AGWPE doesn't have the Winsock interface enabled. From the AGWPE menu, select "Setup Interfaces" and on the default WinSock Interface tab, checkmark "Enable Winsock TCP/IP Application Interface".
3. UI-View's AGWPE Setup is incorrect. See the top of this page and make sure the port and IP address of the AGWPE computer are specified correctly.
4. You have a firewall that is blocking connections to the port and/or IP address of the AGWPE computer.
I'm running UI-View 16 and it works fine when I opt to use the DDE connection to AGWPE, but when I try the TCP/IP connection, I get the following error message: UI-View doesn't think your PC has TCP/IP installed. If it (TCP/IP) has (been installed), then please close down UI-View, rename the the WINSOCK.DLL in the UI-View directory to WINSOCK.NUL and restart UI-View.
As the message says, look for the WINSOCK.DLL file in your UI-View 16 folder and rename it (so UI-View can't find it).
I'm running UI-View 32 and I seem to be connected to AGWPE but I'm not getting any packet reports from AGWPE even though I have confirmed that AGWPE is receiving and decoding packets.
Make sure the Port Mask settings are correct. You must checkmark each AGWPE radio port which UI-View will use to receive packets. By default, port 1 is checked, but you may have de-selected it. See Port Masks above.
UI-View decodes some APRS packets - - - - and then it stops. If I reset the properties window in AGWPE or I restart UI-View, I see two station icons pop up - - - and then it stops again. Also, I notice the packet audio frequency spectrum shifts to the right third of the Sound Card Tuning Aid screen (!!!).
If your computer only has one sound card, both AGWPE and UI-View are using it and the speech and sound options in UI-View are creating a conflict with AGWPE's use of the sound card. The solution is to disable all the sound/speech options in UI-View. You can do that in the final versions of UI-View by un-checking the Sound Enabled option on the UI-ViewOptions menu. This lets you to turn off all UI-View sounds in one go. If you're using a version of UI-View without that option, then you should update to the final UI-View version!