Selasa, 28 Juli 2015

Gps Dengan Radio Hf

Links to other UI-View and APRS sites

PMapServer 7 for use of Precision Mapping 7 with UI-View32 is in active development by Bill Diaz KC9XG. Several screenshots can be seen Server User-Defined Filter Port 14580 - replacement for filter.txtMiscellaneous notes about UI-View32 by Stephen Smith WA8LMFThe PA7RHM Map Server and other useful add-ons can be downloaded fromPA7RHM's web site. Click on the "downloads" link over on the left.G6NHU's MB7UIV Information PageG7JGQ's UI-Tools Page- You can find UI-Tools here! (Site appears to be down)GB7IPH APRS Site - Lots of UI-View maps of the UK.The MB7USK Site - UI-View information and maps.NM5RM's Sound Card Packet Site - An excellent AGWPE "HOWTO".ZL2UMF's Site - An excellent site for UI-View maps.JA1OGS Urawa-City (Tokyo) JapanI3YPJ's Ham Radio page (Italian)ON1CIT's Site - has some UI-View updates on the APRS Stuff page.PropNET - UI-View for propagation tracking and research on PSK31 and packetVK4TEC's APRS Experiment Gallery and linksIK2XYU/KF6EEZ's Site - Bilingual (English and Italian) APRS/UI-View SiteTA1DX's APRS Site - Turkish APRS/UI-View SiteUBA Section OST - Belgian ham site, with UI-View maps in APRS sectionVK2THE's UI-View Map's Site - Maps for VK1 and VK2IK2CBD's Site - Italian WinPack and UI-View siteCheshunt & District Amateur Radio Club UI-View PageBill Diaz KC9XG has some general info on his APRS for Northern Illinois Page.Suffolk Data GroupG4EPN's Home PageIS0GRB's siteYou can click on this link to look up a station at, but if you right-click on it and choose "save target as..." you can save a copy of it on your desktop or anywhere on your own hard drive and access it any time that you have an Internet connection.This page will produce a list of stations near a particular latitude and longitude. Remember - the latitude is positive north of the equator and negative south of it, and the longitude is positive east of the prime meridian and negative east of it. As above, you can right-click on the link and choose "save target as..." and save it on your own hard drive if you wish.The website is extremely useful and just keeps on getting better.




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Other APRS Links

APRS SIG... subscribe at Bruninga WB4APR developed Automatic Position Reporting System (APRS)Downloads:APRS Specification in PDF format (3.1MB) or get it from the TAPR site.APRS Specification in ZIP format (780KB). Same file as above but zipped.APRS Working Group Charter (16KB)Fixing the 144.390 MHz APRS Network
or Stephen WA8LMF's mirror sitePlease note that RELAYWIDE and TRACEn-n are now obsolete in North America. The big problem with them is that they cause a horrendous number of dupes. The "ping pong" effect of the dupes does more harm to the APRS network than paths that were too long.The new "universal" path is WIDE2-2. Fill-in digipeaters that used to respond to RELAY should change their alias to WIDE1-1. Where mobiles need the help of a "fill-in" digipeater, they should a path of WIDE1-1,WIDE2-1 instead of WIDE2-2. Even if they happen to be in an area where the fill-in digis haven't yet changed to WIDE1-1, this path will still be compatible with all of the WIDEn-n digis in the rest of the network.There may be occasions where a station needs a longer path, but many smart digipeaters are "trapping" excessively long paths. Do your part to help fix the APRS network by helping to spread the word, as well as changing your own trackers to WIDE2-2 or WIDE1-1,WIDE2-1.NWAPRS - supporting APRS in the "Pacific Northwest" but lots of good information concerning configuring TNC based digipeaters with the "new paradigm" settings for WIDEn-n "wide" digipeaters and for WIDE1-1 "home fill-in" digipeaters.TinyTrak 3 and PocketTracker www.byonics.comOpenTRAC Open Tactical Reporting and Communications is a message protocol designed for carrying tactical information, including GPS position reports, weather data, and telemetry, over an unreliable, bandwidth-constrained network. Typically, this is the Amateur 2-meter VHF band using 1200 bps AFSK. The protocol is specifically designed, however, for use across multiple networks to support Internet backbones, satellite links, and so on. Time will tell if this is an "APRS replacement" or if it will be a parallel network.OpenTracker is an APRS and OpenTRAC capable GPS and telemetry encoder, physically and electrically compatible with the Byonics TinyTrak3. The device connects to a GPS receiver and radio, and transmits AX.25 packets at 1200 or 300 baud. The firmware is published under the BSD license.Xastir APRS client designed to run on several platforms including Linux & Windows. 

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This page was last updated on February 1 2015